Memahami Kaidah Bahasa Dalam Report Text

Kupas Tuntas Kaidah Bahasa Report Text Berbahasa Inggris

Squad, kau pernah membaca teks berbahasa Inggris yang mendeskripsikan suatu hal ibarat benda, hewan, atau manusia? Nah, hal itu dinamakan report text yang mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri dalam penulisannya. Wah, kira-kira ibarat apa ya? Kuy, kita kupas tuntas bersama!  

Eits, sebelum kita membahas mengenai kaidah bahasanya, simak dulu yuk teladan teksnya! 


Memahami Report Text

Ants (Sumber:

Ants are social insects of the family Formicidae and, along with the related wasps and bees, belong to the order Hymenoptera. Ants evolved from wasp-like ancestors in the mid-Cretaceous period between 110 and 130 million years ago and diversified after the rise of flowering plants. More than 12,500 out of an estimated total of 22,000 species have been classified. They are easily identified by their elbowed antennae and distinctive node-like structure that forms a slender waist.

An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight. Ants don’t have ears. Ants “hear” by feeling vibrations in the ground through their feet. When ants fight, it is usually to the death. Ants do help the environment. They are social insects, which mean they live in large colonies or group. Depending on the species, ant colonies can consist of millions of ants.

There are three kinds of ants in a colony: the queen, the female workers and males. The queen and the males have wings, while the workers don’t have wings. The queen is the only ant that can lay eggs. The male ant’s job is to mate with future queen ants and they do not live very long afterwards. Once the queen grows to 4dukthood, she spends the rest of her life laying eggs. Depending on their species, a colony may have one queen or many queens. Some queen ants can live for many years and have millions of babies!

Ant colonies also have soldier ants that protect the queen, defend the colony, gather or kill food, and attack enemy colonies in search for food and nesting space. If they defeat another ant colony, they take away eggs of the defeated ant colony. When the eggs hatch, the new ants become the “slave” ants for the colony. Some job of the colony include taking care of the eggs and babies, gathering food for the colony and building the anthill or mounds.

Setelah baca teksnya, apa kau sudah sanggup bayangan mengenai apa saja kaidah kebahasaan yang ada di report text? Kita bahas lebih lanjut ya semoga kau makin paham! 

1. Simple Present Tense

Kaidah bahasa yang dipakai yaitu Simple Present Tense karena mendeskripsikan kebiasaan atau fakta. Berdasarkan teks di atas, bentuk simple present tense dapat ditemukan di hampir seluruh cuilan dongeng di antaranya:

  • “Ants are social insects of the family Formicidae and, along with the related wasps and bees, belong to the order Hymenoptera.”
  • “They are easily identified by their elbowed antennae and distinctive node-like structure that forms a slender waist.”
  • An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight.”
  • “She spends the rest of her life laying eggs.”

Kalau menurutmu, masih ada teladan kalimat lainnya yang memakai Simple Present Tense, tuliskan di kolom komentar ya.

2. Behavioral Verb

Behavioral verb adalah kata kerja yang merujuk pada tingkah laris subjek kalimat yang memperjelas ciri-ciri dan kebiasaan. Beberapa teladan yang sanggup ditemukan pada teks di atas di antaranya:

  • Kata lift pada kalimat “An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight.”
  • Kata protect, defend, gather, kill dan attack pada kalimat “Ant colonies also have soldier ants that protect the queen, defend the colony, gather or kill food, and attack enemy colonies in search for food and nesting space.”

3. Third Party Point of View

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, dikenal juga sebagai sudut pandang orang ketiga. Third party point of view ini sanggup dilihat dari penggunaan nama objek yang dilaporkan serta kata ganti orang ketiga pada keseluruhan laporan.

Secara keseluruhan, ternyata kaidah bahasa dalam report text tidak terlalu susah untuk dipahami ya, Squad! Kalau kau ingin lebih ahli lagi, yuk berguru bersama ruangbelajar! Kamu sanggup nonton video belajarnya di mana pun dan kapan pun. Download kini dan siap-siap jadi juara, yuk!

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