Tips For Overland Go Through Key America

s because people are scared of the bird of violence they Tips For Overland Travel Through Central America

Overland Travel Through Central America

Central America: it’s a lively, vibrant, lush, colourful purpose of the world, that I intend is somewhat of a well-kept travellers’ secret. Whether it’s because people are scared of the bird of violence they’ve heard about, the full general lack of fancy hotels, or express infrastructure – who knows? But it’s exactly because of some of these reasons that for certain travellers produce dare to experience the adventure, energy, together with authenticity of the region.

I started my overland locomote through Central America (from Republic of Guatemala to Panama, yesteryear chicken bus, coach, coaster, van, together with boat) inward June final twelvemonth together with conduct maintain settled inward Panama for now. The trip was at times really challenging, but overall, total of excitement, together with genuinely rewarding. So if you’re thinking of experiencing similar awesomeness, I’ve lay together some handy tips to acquire you lot aid you lot hold out overland locomote through Central America.

s because people are scared of the bird of violence they Tips For Overland Travel Through Central America
A Mayan ruin inward Tikal, Guatemala.


This is top of the listing for a reason: you’ll involve to pack plenty of it! Chances are because you’re overlanding, you’re non peculiarly fourth dimension pressed (good!). The concept of fourth dimension inward Central America is quite dissimilar to perchance what you’re used to; things motion real slowly. Transport fairly regularly breaks down, either earlier you lot kickoff going (which isn’t peculiarly comforting ahead of a long trip), or during your journeying (which tin brand for some lengthy route side waits, until the occupation is fixed, using whatever the driver tin find! Or until the side yesteryear side omnibus comes along). Many drivers inward Central America brand their coin from the publish of passengers they conduct maintain on board (rather than for the hours they work), thus you lot tin aspect frequent stops every bit they pick upwards anyone, anywhere, anytime.

s because people are scared of the bird of violence they Tips For Overland Travel Through Central America
Leon, Nicaragua

Transport Schedules

Check, cheque together with re-check! The sum of times I works life schedules that were out-of-date, inaccurate, or only manifestly wrong, was crazy. So brand for certain you lot produce lots of checks for accurate difference times (as accurate every bit they tin live anyway). Ask several dissimilar people (including other travellers, every bit good every bit locals), cheque the internet, cheque the physical timetable, inquire the ticket seller, inquire the driver (he may only exit whenever he feels similar it anyway, together with often they’ll hold off until they conduct maintain a total charge of passengers earlier leaving). Remember that schedules alter regularly, thus don’t rely on anything likewise heavily, together with don’t conduct maintain likewise many tight connections betwixt transportation.

Food And Drinks

Always brand for certain you lot conduct maintain some form of snack item together with a bottle of water. When overlanding through Central America, you lot never know when the side yesteryear side halt volition be, or fifty-fifty if there’ll live nutrient at that topographic point you lot desire to ingest (sometimes the places you lot halt at are super dodgy!). There mightiness live vendors getting on together with off the omnibus regularly, at that topographic point mightiness not. If you lot produce come across vendors, brand for certain you lot attempt the food! It’s inexpensive together with often tastes bully (sometimes not, but that’s one-half the fun!). You’ll belike come across a arrive at of empanada looking items, cassava chips, banana chips, of course of didactics rice together with chicken, or rice together with beans, noodles, together with the trusty onetime sandwich.

s because people are scared of the bird of violence they Tips For Overland Travel Through Central America
Lago de Atitlan, Guatemala


If you’ve been lucky plenty to acquire air-conditioned transport, live prepared for the AC to live WAY likewise mutual frigidity (and you lot needing 50 sweaters), or for it non to live working at all (and you lot beingness bitterly disappointed, together with sweating similar there’s no tomorrow). Most wearing clothing you lot tin purchase inward Central America are cheap, together with comfortable, only correct for the climate together with travelling, thus don’t convey likewise many alongside you. There are also tailors pretty much everywhere if you lot involve whatever wearing clothing repaired, together with they are super cheap.


There’s a dissimilar currency inward every the world inward Central America, but the U.S.A. dollars are fairly universally accepted for exchange. So I recommend carrying at to the lowest degree a pocket-sized sum of the U.S.A. dollars alongside you lot throughout your trip. You tin really acquire decent commutation rates at borders (despite what you lot mightiness read), only brand for certain you lot discovery out roughly what the charge per unit of measurement is earlier you lot acquire to the border. Of course of didactics there’ll ever live person trying to rip unsuspecting tourists off, but at that topographic point are normally thus many coin changers, you lot tin store around (they seem to proceed each other honest to a degree). H5N1 adept tip when buying is to heed inward to the locals’ conversations to discovery out how much things are, thus you’re less probable to acquire ripped off.


s because people are scared of the bird of violence they Tips For Overland Travel Through Central America
Chicken omnibus inward Central America

Some of the seats on carry throughout Central America are less than comfortable (particularly if you’re taking chicken buses: souped upwards onetime American schoolhouse buses), thus take a pocket-sized locomote pillow along alongside you. These are handy because you lot tin utilization them for sleeping, together with when you’re non napping, for your butt too! Otherwise a sweater does the play tricks for both purposes too. Depending on the trend of transport, you lot mightiness non fifty-fifty acquire a seat, together with chances are you’ll live standing, squished upwards against people for a while. So acquire to lean into the turns, conduct maintain a theater footing, together with concur on to whatever you lot can; the drivers often drive means likewise fast, together with brake means likewise late.


Longer haul buses inward Central America volition often demonstrate terrible character movies dubbed over (very badly) inward Spanish, which you lot tin sorta-kinda follow along. If you’re super lucky you’ll come across something inward English linguistic communication alongside Castilian subtitles. But don’t acquire likewise excited here, the movies normally halt together with kickoff frequently, together with the audio is either barely audible, or thus loud your ears are bleeding. If there’s no movie, you’ll live treated to the constant blaring of bachata, salsa, together with merengue music (which all starts to audio the same yesteryear a few days in) from the speakers conveniently located everywhere, throughout the entire bus.

s because people are scared of the bird of violence they Tips For Overland Travel Through Central America
Casco Viejo Panama


Depending on the carry you lot conduct (the cheaper you lot choose, the to a greater extent than this applies), brand for certain you lot conduct maintain your purse inside eyesight. Absolutely produce non conduct maintain whatever valuables easily accessible inward your bag (at the top, or only a quick unzip away). I heard thus many stories of travellers having their passports together with coin at the top of a bag, together with person taking the lot! I ever bear an over the shoulder purse alongside most of the things I’m non keen to lose, together with I ever conduct maintain a ‘throw down’ wallet (in my throw downwards I’ll lay a pocket-sized sum of coin that I’m happy to manus over inward lieu of my existent wallet!). Another tip is to have a few stashes of cash hidden throughout your luggage, handbag together with on you. So only inward illustration you lot produce acquire robbed, you’re non totally stuck. Finally, hollo back that edge crossing areas often conduct maintain a large publish unsavoury characters who are to a greater extent than than willing to salvage you lot of some coin or belongings.

Something to note: I did non acquire robbed my entire journeying through Central America (about half-dozen months), thus it’s to a greater extent than that I’m making a signal to live aware of, non something for you lot to worry most constantly.


There aren’t a huge sum of English linguistic communication speakers across Central America, thus I most definitely recommend learning at to the lowest degree the basics; it volition brand your trip that much easier. Take a pocket lexicon alongside you lot if you lot must, but don’t flash it around for everyone to see, every bit it’ll brand you lot an minute target. You’ll acquire a ton of Castilian on your trip anyway, every bit you’ll live fully immersed inward the language.

s because people are scared of the bird of violence they Tips For Overland Travel Through Central America
A church building inward Granada, Nicaragua.

An overland trip through Central America is most definitely something I would recommend. The Latin civilisation is genuinely unique, together with for me, quite alluring. Hopefully this listing volition brand your over the world locomote inward Central America a piffling smoother, but hollo back to sit down back, relax, together with savour the slower pace, together with live prepared for anything to hap – you’ll definitely conduct maintain some bully stories coming out the other side.
Have you lot got whatever tips for overland locomote through Central America? Leave a comment below.

s because people are scared of the bird of violence they Tips For Overland Travel Through Central America
Back of a chicken bus.


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