The Backpacker’S Paradox – Traveller Vs Tourist

Backpackers Paradox Traveller Vs Tourist Maya Bay Thailand Crowd The Backpacker’s Paradox – Traveller vs Tourist

“Why exercise tourists loathe other tourists?”

It was a pretty straightforward inquiry from the middle-aged Burmese homo nosotros met at a modest pagoda inward Bagan. He was exactly curious why nosotros asked which temple wouldn’t guide hold a lot of ‘foreigners’ on it for sunset. To him our wishing to avoid other people seemed crazy. I tried to squall back of a way to depict to him our item mindset, even hence I struggled to come upwards up amongst a logical reply for his uncomplicated query.

Is it because tourists ruin culture?

Because tourists don’t exhibit respect?

Tourism drives upwards prices?

They article of apparel Hawaiian shirts?

It tin terminate hold upwards all of these things (but there’s cypher incorrect amongst Hawaiian shirts). However it seems form of hypocritical to say I wishing to avoid tourists when I am genuinely a tourist myself.

Traveller vs Tourist – Is There H5N1 Difference?

Unfortunately inward the backpacker world, in that location seems to hold upwards a huge egocentric movement going on. Where ane person’s method of travelling is considered to hold upwards less worthwhile compared to someone else’s. Thinking that if your pack is bigger than twenty litres you’ve got it all incorrect or if y'all stayed inward a hotel y'all missed out on seeing the ‘real’ country. Let’s telephone telephone it the backpacker’s paradox – existence a traveller or a tourist.

Travellera somebody who is traveling or who oftentimes travels.
Tourista somebody who is traveling or visiting a house for pleasure.

Is in that location genuinely a difference? Ask a ‘proper traveller’ together with they volition enjoin y'all they are dissimilar because they immerse themselves inward the culture, swallow the local food, grab world transport. Is a tourist someone who doesn’t exercise these things? H5N1 packaged holiday-maker? Is that what the differentiation comes downward to – where y'all eat?

Backpackers Paradox Traveller Vs Tourist Maya Bay Thailand Crowd The Backpacker’s Paradox – Traveller vs Tourist
The crowds at Angkor Wat.

If y'all inquire me (and y'all have, past times reading this far), the whole ‘traveller vs tourist” declaration is bullshit. What makes someone a amend traveller than someone else? Do experiences non count if y'all didn’t hitchhike through a state of war zone to acquire to them? Is your Vietnamese noodle dish less delicious because y'all paid $10 for it instead of the $0.50 I paid? Does sleeping on the dirt flooring of a Namibian family’s mud sh4ck brand y'all to a greater extent than extreme than the humble traveller who paid for a comfortable individual room? Or is existence a amend traveller exactly most listening to the locals together with the environment?

Travel agency dissimilar things to dissimilar people. For some the thought of a 10 solar daytime all-inclusive opor-garai is a dream come upwards true. For others, move is their life. I belong to the minute group, but that doesn’t hateful I am doing things the correct or incorrect way. I know plenty of people who continue brusque vacations inward ecologically sustainable places together with exercise to a greater extent than for a community inward 2 weeks than someone achieves on a 2 twelvemonth round-the-world journey.

Backpackers Paradox Traveller Vs Tourist Maya Bay Thailand Crowd The Backpacker’s Paradox – Traveller vs Tourist
The spectacular sand dunes of Mui Ne, Vietnam – tainted past times a traveller’s feel of humour.

The solely thing I believe is that people demand to acquire honor together with courtesy when they travel, together with squall back most the consequences of their actions. It doesn’t affair which street nutrient vendor y'all swallow at or which way of carry y'all took to acquire there. If y'all guide hold a proper agreement of these basic things, it doesn’t affair how long y'all move for, how together with to where. You are already a skilful traveller.

Another Conundrum – The Desire To Avoid Each Other

Backpackers Paradox Traveller Vs Tourist Maya Bay Thailand Crowd The Backpacker’s Paradox – Traveller vs Tourist
Just because in that location were thousands of tourists in that location didn’t brand this sunrise at Angkor Wat whatsoever less beautiful.

Of course of didactics when many of us move in that location is a wishing to acquire off the beaten path. To explore places that non many guide hold seen before. Perhaps it’s a deeply-ingrained exploration trait that is acquaint inward most people, myself included. It’s why nosotros convey detours downward little-known dorsum roads. One argue nosotros give-up the ghost trekking to isolated regions. To run into what is out there, away from the masses.

But when nosotros catch an attraction or finish that is known for existence a tourist hotspot, nosotros cannot acquire jaded most it. Tourist attractions are pop for a reason. If y'all decided to avoid the Pyramids of Arab Republic of Egypt because y'all don’t similar stones piled on order of each other, that is your ain personal inclination. If y'all skipped them because in that location were besides many people there, y'all may hold upwards looking besides far into the situation. If y'all thought Angkor Wat was non worth visiting because other people were visiting it too, y'all demand to pass to a greater extent than fourth dimension admiring the temples themselves.

To me it is ironic that someone would move to a tourist finish together with and then complain that in that location are tourists there.

Backpackers Paradox Traveller Vs Tourist Maya Bay Thailand Crowd The Backpacker’s Paradox – Traveller vs Tourist
Lesh together with her motorbike on ane of the dorsum roads nosotros took inward Vietnam. We went v days without seeing some other foreigner. Is that genuinely what move should hold upwards about?

Tourism infrastructure has been built to give-up the ghost far easier for us to acquire around. If y'all wishing to avoid tourists, don’t catch anywhere that has got infrastructure for them: transport, restaurants, hotels, etc. It is quite simple. If you’ve made the selection to catch somewhere that has all these things setup to brand your travelling life easier, y'all cannot complain that other people are taking wages of this every bit well.

Want to avoid tourists? Go to Central Africa. Ride a bicycle across Siberia. Go camping ground inward the Darien Gap. If these places are non your loving cup of tea, together with instead y'all wishing to catch London, you’re going to guide hold to convey that in that location volition hold upwards tourists.

I met someone who hated the Taj Mahal because it was hence packed amongst people. Did they genuinely squall back it wouldn’t be? Did they believe that they deserved to guide hold ane of the wonders of the footing all to themselves?

But who cares if in that location are tourists there? We are all sharing this beautiful footing together. Exploring incredible locations. As a skilful friend reminded me the other day, nosotros demand to hold inward heed the ‘one love’ policy. One world, ane people, ane love. We are lucky plenty to hold upwards able to travel, hence nosotros should non hold upwards upset when other people guide hold that chance every bit well.

Christopher McCandless penned, “Happiness solely existent when shared” on ane of his terminal days alive. How truthful this is.

What is your sentiment on the traveller vs tourist debate? Leave a comment below together with allow us know!

Backpackers Paradox Traveller Vs Tourist Maya Bay Thailand Crowd The Backpacker’s Paradox – Traveller vs Tourist
A beach to ourselves inward Vietnam.


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