√ Lowongan Kerja Officer Development Kegiatan (Odp) Bni 2014

Officer Development Program (ODP ) BNI - Lowongan Kerja Officer Development Program (ODP) BNI 2014. As our bank continues to grow, we need more talented employees to become our future leaders. We need fresh, innovative, smart, and bright individuals who will lead and manage the bank’s transformation to achieve its missions in the future, through our Officer Development Program (ODP).

Officer Development Program (ODP) is a one-year selection and pembinaan program, consists of both in-class and in-service training. Trainees who excel and pass the whole kegiatan will qualify to be permanent employees and will be located in Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja ODP BNI

Unleash Your Potential !

Experience the Dynamic Growth of Your Career

Lowongan kerja, Bachelor or Master degree from a reputable university (local/overseas) majoring in Economics, Business, Engineering, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry, Plantation, Animal Husbandry, Law and Business Adimistration.

  • Minimum GPA : 2.75 PTN/ 3.00 Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (scale 4)
  • Maximum age: 26 years (Bachelor degree) or 28 years (Master degree)
  • Good Command of English both in spoken and written, and familiar with Microsoft Office applications
  • Take up the challenge, strong analytics and leadership skill
  • Having organizational experience, computer skill and good writing ability would be an advantage
  • Willing to undergo bond and to be placed in all parts of Indonesia

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