Belajar English Grammar Unit 1


Unit 1
(Penggunaan Kata Kerja Penghubung “To Be”)
The LINKING “TO BE” ( Kata Kerja Penghubung “To Be”) are words (Kata-kata) used to connect (yang menghubungkan) between (antara) Subject and Complement (pelengkap) in a nominal sentence (Kalimat Nominal).
A NOMINAL SENTENCE is a sentence that its predicate or verbs (kalimat yang predikat/kata kerjanya) does not express an action (tidak menyatakan suatu tindakan atau aksi), but (melainkan) express (menyatakan) NAME (nama), STATUS (status), QUALITY (sifat), STATE (keadaan) and PLACE (tempat), for example :
-          Name (Nama), for example: He is Ridwan
-          Status (Status), for example: He is a Worker
-          Quality (Sifat), for example: He is Diligent
-          State ( Keadaan), for example: He is Happy
-          Place (Tempat), for example: It is in Bandung
COMPLEMENT (pelengkap) can be in the forms of (bisa dalam bentuk): noun (kata benda), adjective (kata sifat), adverb of place (kata keterangan tempat), preposition (kata depan), dan numeral (kata bilangan).
LINKING TO BE has nine forms (memiliki 9 bentuk), that is (yaitu):
Is, am, are, was, were, be, to  be, being, been.
THE USE OF AM, IS And ARE. (Penggunaan am, is, dan are)
-          We use (Kita menggunakan) am with (dengan) I
-          We use (Kita menggunakan) are with (dengan) you, we, they and with all plural subjects (semua subjek jamak)
-          We use (Kita menggunakan) is with (dengan) he, she, it and singular subjects (semua subyek tunggal) in the third person (orang ketiga).
This is the form of (Inilah bentuk) TO BE – (AM, IS, ARE – TO BE) in the present form (dalam bentuk present tense).
I (Saya / Aku)
We (Kami / Kita)
You (Kamu / Anda)
They ( Mereka, contohnya : Ridwan and Siska
He ( Dia, misalnya: Ridwan, Kevin)
She (Dia, misalnya: Siska, Diana)
It (Ia, misalnya: House, Car, Jakarta)

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