√ Surgery : Suture Sizes And When To Use Them

11-0 & 10-00.01 & 0.02Ophthalmology, microsurgical repair
9-0 & 8-00.03 & 0.04Ophthalmology, microsurgical repair
7-0 & 6-00.05 & 0.07Small vessel repair/grafting, fine suturing on the hand/nailbed & face
5-0 & 4-00.1 & 0.15Larger vessel repair, skin closure (hands/limbs, face) tendon repair
3-0 & 2-00.2 & 0.3Closure of thick skin, fascia, muscle, tendon repair
0 & 10.35 & 0.4Closure of fascia, drain stitches
2 and above>0.5Large tendon repairs, thick fascial closures, drain sutures (usually orthopaedic surgery)

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