Overlanding Nepal – The Taxi Ride From Hell

Just out of Jomsom nosotros are faced alongside an unforgiving route to which nosotros though would eventual Overlanding Nepal – The Taxi Ride From Hell
Just out of Jomsom nosotros are faced alongside an unforgiving route to which nosotros though would eventually fifty-fifty out…it didn’t.

It’s the mutual first-time traveller who likes to instruct to the airport, accept a photograph of their passport patch drinking an extremely overpriced beer, followed past times a selfie alongside the bird before boarding…It’s days similar these I want I was the first-time traveller, alongside everything going according to plan.

24 hours earlier: Here nosotros are at the terminate of our hike inwards the Upper Mustang, Nepal to the forbidden kingdom of Lo Manthang. Dad, David together with I were really tired equally nosotros just completed 200 kilometres of high height trekking. We walked into Jomsom at 10am the hateful solar daytime before our flying dorsum to Pokhara together with went instantly to Tara Air to encounter if nosotros could instruct out that hateful solar daytime alone to go told all flights were full, followed past times a reasonably comforting, “Tara hasn’t cancelled whatever flying for the terminal xv days”. Being stuck inwards Jomsom for a total hateful solar daytime was, well, non really appealing.

Our hateful solar daytime inwards Jomsom included walking upwards together with downwards the bustling, dusty streets, determining what the best method was for the pilots to wing us out the adjacent hateful solar daytime equally nosotros sat adjacent to the rail watching Mount Nilgiri (7,064m), or counting the buses taking locals to Beni or Pokhara alongside a few thoughts on how skillful or bad the route would be. Soon followed past times some window shopping, buying snacks together with having an early on tiffin alongside beers, chips together with chapatti to gets the imagination flowing. I gauge feeding chickens Oreo’s is quite imaginative.

Just out of Jomsom nosotros are faced alongside an unforgiving route to which nosotros though would eventual Overlanding Nepal – The Taxi Ride From Hell
Nilgiri mount through large pino trees. Also Kali Gandaki river is a river flowing from Tibet through Lo Manthang downwards to the Ganges together with out to the Indian Ocean.

6am the adjacent forenoon after basically goose egg slumber due a grouping of dogs continuously barked at who knows what, a gust of air current rattled the windows of our room, together with instantly away nosotros knew that wasn’t ideal for us getting out of Jomsom on a plane. Down at breakfast, nosotros called the possessor of the hotel who made the impression that it was too windy to fly, but nosotros thought the guy didn’t know what he was talking about. One threescore minutes after breakfast, it was a 2 infinitesimal walk downwards to the airport, which was packed total of eager passengers waiting for their flying out. One threescore minutes had passed together with in that place was no communication at all from Tara Air or Simrik Air, together with inwards walks Ivaan, the hotel possessor alongside his aviation transcend around his neck.

30 minutes on together with however no communication or bird landing from Pokhara, nosotros assumed they had cancelled due to the winds coming off the top of Dhaulagiri (7th highest mount inwards the world). The minor planes just couldn’t instruct from Pokhara to Jomsom safely.

The rush had begun to instruct out of Jomsom together with the alone feasible selection was a taxi. Well, a 20-year-old Land Rover alongside no topographic point belts, no working dashboard, the tires had no grip, 1 of the doors wouldn’t unopen or some guy trying to instruct 26 people together to hire a motorcoach at a improve price, definitely was non an option. So $450 it was addition 9,000 rupees paid past times a Nepalese yoke for the really dorsum seats of the Rover. Not cheap.

Just out of Jomsom nosotros are faced alongside an unforgiving route to which nosotros though would eventual Overlanding Nepal – The Taxi Ride From Hell
The full general drib off nosotros endured for the 9hr trip.

Our hiking bags slung into the back, our seats allocated on how much nosotros paid, together with nosotros were away. Two kilometres downwards the route nosotros were laughing at how bad the route was together with had assumed it would flatten out together with instruct out to a greater extent than ‘drivable’. Dad’s door was sucking inwards dust together with thence the driver pulled over, rustled through the centre console pulling out a bungie cord to which he wraps around the top of the door frame together with the roof rack.

Another five kilometres downwards the route our driver swapped cars alongside his friend together with nosotros couldn’t halt wondering if nosotros had this guy for the residue of the trip until nosotros stopped again, inwards the middle of the route on a corner together with out goes our driver running downwards the road. From what nosotros could gather, the other motorcar inwards the fleet was having driving problems. Back comes our temporary driver, completes a U-turn adjacent to a cliff together with dorsum nosotros instruct out to aid out.

Just out of Jomsom nosotros are faced alongside an unforgiving route to which nosotros though would eventual Overlanding Nepal – The Taxi Ride From Hell
Leaving our motorcar hanging on the edge.

Next matter nosotros know, the other motorcar has its drive shaft completely removed past times the 2 drivers alone to realise yous can’t precisely motion the motorcar off the route after yous take the drive shaft. 45 minutes subsequently nosotros are off! Only to halt xv minutes subsequently together with thence the driver together with Nepalese yoke tin receive got lunch…As they were enjoying lunch, nosotros were itching to instruct moving together with thence the threescore minutes was spent watching our clocks together with determining the speed of which the snowfall was beingness swept off Dhaulagiri which was flanking the tiny village. The threescore minutes had passed together with thence dorsum into the expiry trap on wheels, thankful that nosotros hadn’t eaten tiffin because nosotros would receive got lost it past times the fourth dimension nosotros got to the terminate of the tiny village.

It was at this signal I decided non to await at my watch.

Just out of Jomsom nosotros are faced alongside an unforgiving route to which nosotros though would eventual Overlanding Nepal – The Taxi Ride From Hell
Getting some fresh air well-nigh 3 hours into the journey. And yes also me inwards a massive cliff.

Kilometres came slow alongside unopen telephone telephone after unopen call, mount bikers would zoom past times us equally the Sun would drib farther downwards the heaven behind us. Three trucks, 1 motorcoach together with a petrol tanker passed us leaving the Rover precariously unopen to the endless gorge beside us. Light began to fade just similar our smiles. Close calls continued alongside motorbikes, trucks together with people walking downwards the middle of the route that has never go maintained. Our driver stopped at a towering waterfall cry for if nosotros wanted to accept pictures instead. Being non really interested I took photos of people taking photos.

It was alone every 10 kilometres that nosotros were updated alongside how far the adjacent major town was away. Travelling 10 kilometres seemed to accept 45 minutes to an threescore minutes equally the roads were atrocious. “Are nosotros in that place yet” was constantly beingness played inwards my head, knowing it was really unlikely. The town of Beni took forever. Our driver averaged 17 kilometres per hour, for the whole day…

Just out of Jomsom nosotros are faced alongside an unforgiving route to which nosotros though would eventual Overlanding Nepal – The Taxi Ride From Hell
Along the way, towering waterfalls from nearby glaciers allowed for pleasant viewing.

Beni slow came to light, haze filled the air from a burning rubbish tip, forcing Dad together with I to set on our confront masks, together with it was at this signal the novelty was good together with genuinely gone. Driving through Beni saw roads slow alter alongside patches of sealed route becoming to a greater extent than frequent before slipping dorsum to basketball game sized rocks lodged into the middle of the road.

Our driver for the get-go fourth dimension inwards vi hours managed to the instruct Rover into 3rd gear, together with when he did nosotros thought Pokhara would go nether an threescore minutes away, alone to notice to our disappointment that nosotros were nowhere close our destination. To avoid our driver falling asleep behind the wheel a spare snickers bar was unwrapped for a saccharide boost, followed past times a quick hands-off wheel telephone phone telephone to his friend dorsum along the road.

It was at this signal 4th gear had been achieving maximum speed, in all probability 50 kilometres per hour. We for certain wouldn’t go arriving inwards Pokhara inwards the adjacent threescore minutes together with from hither on inwards it was an orchestra of beeping motorcar horns, blinding motorcar lights together with crazy over taking manoeuvres from our driver, who I had since named ‘James’. Dad together with David inwards the middle seats were non looking impressed, neither was I. We just wanted to instruct to Pokhara. H5N1 random ‘Pokhara Internet Service’ sign appeared to our correct falsely indicating how unopen nosotros were to our destination. We however had 67 kilometres ahead of us together with it was completely dark.

Just out of Jomsom nosotros are faced alongside an unforgiving route to which nosotros though would eventual Overlanding Nepal – The Taxi Ride From Hell
An inbound truck pushing us really unopen to the biggest drib off I’ve e'er seen.

Pokhara became visible from Sera, perched on the mountains higher upwards Phewa Lake, alone to realise it wasn’t a instantly drive downwards the mountain; to a greater extent than similar an endless zig-zagging away from the metropolis leaving us dorsum where nosotros started inwards Jomsom.

The lights on Phewa Lake waterfront seemed together with thence far away together with the alone agency in that place was past times driving away from it, downwards the other side of a densely populated ridge, past times pedestrians using the route equally a vehicle-illuminated pathway which made for some really unopen calls, specially when yous receive got vehicles coming your agency together with the route is broad plenty for 1 motorcar at a time.

For the get-go time, I looked at my watch, 7:15pm. We had been inwards the Rover since 10:30am that forenoon inwards Jomsom, absolutely unaware what lay ahead of us. 7:30pm on the dot, fluorescent lights somewhat blinded us meant Pokhara had been reached. Conversation flew betwixt the Nepalese yoke together with James the driver well-nigh where they wanted to go dropped off. Two minutes later, the Nepalese yoke who paid David for the nurture seats disembarked the Rover alongside a grin, together with that was the terminal nosotros saw of them. Honestly receive got no thought how they managed to sit down or bounce inwards the nurture together with non instruct motorcar sick (from what I am aware).

Just out of Jomsom nosotros are faced alongside an unforgiving route to which nosotros though would eventual Overlanding Nepal – The Taxi Ride From Hell
Dhaulagiri, the seventh highest mount inwards the basis showing air current coming off the top. The argue why our flying got cancelled.

James turns left onto Khahare Baidan together with the linguistic communication barrier proved to go a hard chore inwards where nosotros wanted to go. “Anywhere inwards Pokhara volition do!” screaming inwards my head. David just said, “White building, maintain going,” together with that was skillful enough. The rover was dorsum to its park speed of 17 kilometres per threescore minutes equally nosotros kept an oculus on where nosotros wanted to instruct out, together with I was fine to instruct out five kilometres dorsum together with walk but suppose when yous pay $450 USD for a taxi fare yous desire to go dropped off precisely at your destination.

Then boom! We arrived, creakily exited the Rover fearing our bones had been broken from the never-ending route of death, retrieving our dust coated bags from the dorsum of the truck, wondering how much dust the Nepalese yoke congregated. ‘Dhanyabad’ nosotros thanked James for what was the most epic, expensive, closest nosotros had come upwards to a death-experience together with off he drove leaving us clueless to what had just happened.

Just out of Jomsom nosotros are faced alongside an unforgiving route to which nosotros though would eventual Overlanding Nepal – The Taxi Ride From Hell
Our camouflaged cabin interior together with our driver who I named James.

Dad together with David left me to heed our holding at a eatery patch they searched for a vacant hotel. The waiter came over to me, looked at my dust covered torso together with confront alongside a smirk, to which I monastic enjoin an Everest Beer, accept a gulp together with wonder what had just happened. What would yous choose:

A relaxing eighteen infinitesimal flying alongside views of the Annapurna’s, or ix hours inwards a tin tin on wheels alongside a hell of a story?


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