11 Lessons Learnt From Eleven Years Travelling The World

Staring out at the Valley of the Moon inward Republic of Chile 11 Lessons Learnt From 11 Years Travelling The World
Staring out at the Valley of the Moon inward Chile’s Atacama Desert.

On Nov 7th, 2007 I left Commonwealth of Australia on a one-way ticket to Toronto, Canada. I was xx years old, had a few 1000 dollars to my name, a build novel backpack in addition to absolutely null thought almost what lay ahead of me.

I was leaving to larn to snowboard, to encounter novel people in addition to reckon what life was similar on the other side of the world. I had a one-year working vacation visa, in addition to I told myself that after those 12 months were upwardly I’d caput dorsum abode in addition to figure out what came next.

11 years afterward in addition to I’m all the same on the road.

It’s been a crazy journeying since those early on days every bit a 20-year-old. I became a pretty decent snowboarder, I made thousands of friends in addition to I’ve had the chance to experience life inward around seventy countries (more or less, I’ve never genuinely counted).

I also had the peachy joy of coming together my now-wife Alesha during that adventure, in addition to we’ve been together on my adventures than I tin count for over a decade.

Recently the go companionship Wego asked me what some of my life lessons were after thus many years travelling, in addition to I thought it’d live plumbing fixtures to delve into 11 of them – i for each twelvemonth I’ve been wandering the globe.

Without farther ado, here’s my 11 lessons learnt from 11 years travelling the world.

People are Inherently Good

This may live the most platitude observation given yesteryear anybody that has travelled long-term, but it’s completely the truth. And inward this solar daytime in addition to historic menses of propaganda, loathe in addition to fearfulness existence spewed yesteryear the media, it’s of import to reiterate this idea.

I tin honestly count on ii hands the pose out of times people take away hold seriously tried to wound or price me inward the in conclusion 11 years. I don’t hateful existence scammed, which is an unfortunate business office of go – I hateful a fourth dimension when somebody has gone out of their way to instil fearfulness or build me fearfulness for my life.

It exactly doesn’t occur really often. And here’s the crazy thing – a few of those times were inward my ain abode country!

That’s because inward full general people are good, they hateful well, in addition to they exactly wishing the best for themselves in addition to their families, exactly similar everybody else.

If you lot enquire for help, you lot volition most probable have it. If you lot give respect, you’ll acquire it dorsum inward spades. And if you lot opened upwardly your take in in addition to mind, people volition convey you lot into their globe alongside opened upwardly arms.

Don’t live scared of strangers. They’re the ones that volition exhibit you lot a whole novel world.

Staring out at the Valley of the Moon inward Republic of Chile 11 Lessons Learnt From 11 Years Travelling The World
I met this human on a local coach from Osh to Bishkek inward Kyrgyzstan. When nosotros stopped for a tiffin intermission he insisted that nosotros bring together him. Despite non speaking a give-and-take of English linguistic communication (and us non speaking whatsoever Russian or Kyrgyz) nosotros had a peachy fourth dimension alongside him. Afterwards he refused to allow us pay. This is i of hundreds of similar acts of kindness nosotros take away hold encountered on our travels.

Everybody Should Travel on a Budget Once inward Their Life

I’m a big believer inward that travelling on a tight budget volition build you lot appreciate thus much to a greater extent than inward your life inward the long run.

When you lot demand to stretch your dollars farther to acquire you lot to the places you lot wishing to go, you lot larn to cutting out non-essential items in addition to cash inward one's chips happy alongside the simpler things.

If you’ve had to remain inward a $3-a-night hostel for a calendar week because that’s the best you lot could afford at the time, you’ll larn to dearest picayune things similar hot running H2O in addition to mosquito-free rooms. (Book hotel rooms for less on Wego)

Living on $1 street nutrient dishes agency when you lot tin finally afford $100 dinners, you’ll savor every mouthful.

It volition also learn you lot humility. If all your holidays are entirely inward 5-star resorts, how tin you lot genuinely sympathize how the bulk of the globe lives?

Do yourself a favour in addition to go for an extended menses of fourth dimension where you lot demand to budget your coin carefully. It volition build you lot a improve traveller inward the long run.

Spontaneity is the Best Way to Travel

There’s nil quite similar waking upwardly i solar daytime in addition to completely changing your plans. Bonus points if those plans hateful dissimilar cities or countries.

I’ve ever believed that existence spontaneous in addition to opened upwardly to alter tin Pb to the best adventures. Sure, having a innovation tin live beneficial, peculiarly if you’re going somewhere you’ve ever wanted to see or during a busy fourth dimension of year, but fifty-fifty thus leaving a picayune room to motility inward your itinerary volition opened upwardly up a whole novel globe of possibilities.

For i twelvemonth around Central America in addition to ii years across Asia, nosotros never booked a unmarried thing to a greater extent than than i solar daytime inward advance. No transport, no accommodation, no tours, anything. We would exactly exhibit upwardly where nosotros wanted to cash inward one's chips in addition to figure it out from there.

Sometimes it would backfire, in addition to nosotros ended upwardly inward less than ideal hotels or live forced to motility onto the side yesteryear side town because at that spot was no accommodation. But 99% of the fourth dimension nosotros would detect amazing places to remain in addition to things to practise based on other travellers’ in addition to locals’ recommendations.

It also gave us the liberty to remain somewhere longer if nosotros liked it, or go out quicker if nosotros didn’t.

When nosotros starting fourth dimension arrived inward San Pedro de Atitlan inward Guatemala, nosotros loved it thus much nosotros stayed for half dozen weeks. When nosotros got to Livingston nosotros didn’t dearest it, thus nosotros moved on quickly. If nosotros were next a schedule nosotros would take away hold had that opportunity.

Having this liberty is liberating when you’re on the road, in addition to fifty-fifty if you’re non the type of individual to live able to exhibit upwardly inward a hamlet inward rural Tajikistan without a unmarried thing booked, I sincerely encourage you lot to at the really to the lowest degree larn maintain your schedule opened upwardly thus you lot tin convey payoff of spontaneous experiences.

Staring out at the Valley of the Moon inward Republic of Chile 11 Lessons Learnt From 11 Years Travelling The World
Hanging out alongside a moai on Easter Island. We met a backpacker inward a bar inward Argentine Republic who had exactly come upwardly dorsum from here. He talked thus positively almost it that that nighttime nosotros got dorsum to our hotel in addition to forthwith booked flights.

Say Yes More – It Leads to New Adventures

When you lot travel, or fifty-fifty when you lot don’t, it’s slow to state no. No, you lot don’t experience similar going out for dinner. No, you lot don’t wishing to continue that last-minute excursion. No, you lot can’t wake upwardly early on for sunrise.

The work is ‘no’ ofttimes leads to i thing in addition to i thing entirely – nothing.

Over the years I’ve learnt that fifty-fifty though it’s slow to skip an invitation because you’re also tired, or you’re non sure as shooting if you’ll similar something, pushing yesteryear that initial no in addition to turning it into a yes is almost never something you’ll regret.

When you’re on the route you’re ever presented alongside novel opportunities. Rather than making excuses, larn to state yes more. You never know where it volition Pb you.

Road Trips Are the Best Way to Explore a Country

Having your ain wheels to explore a identify offers a feel of liberty that you lot exactly can’t acquire alongside travelling yesteryear bus, plane, prepare or taxi.

It’s fantastic to live able to go out when you lot wishing to leave, halt where you lot wishing to halt in addition to live able to spread out your gear thus you lot take away hold slow access to it at all times.

While some countries tin live quite scary to drive inward (Iran in addition to Republic of Albania for example), the bulk of places around the globe are exactly the same every bit driving at home.

Do yourself a favour in addition to rent a machine on your side yesteryear side trip.

Staring out at the Valley of the Moon inward Republic of Chile 11 Lessons Learnt From 11 Years Travelling The World
Going on a Yukon route trip was the best way to explore the Canadian territory.

It’s Easy to Make Friends

If you lot take away hold the wishing to encounter novel people when you lot travel, you’ll detect it extremely slow yesteryear exactly going to the correct places, offering a smiling in addition to maxim hello.

Hostels are the perfect identify to encounter people, every bit lots of travellers are at that spot on their ain in addition to also looking to build novel friends. All you lot demand to practise is enquire where somebody is from in addition to run the conversation from there.

Don’t wishing to remain inward a hostel? No worries. You tin all the same see most hostel bars without existence a guest.

Another pick is to bring together the gratis walking tours that are inward most cities. I’ve made friends for life yesteryear exactly chatting to the other participants I’ve met on these tours.

You acquire chatting, uncovering a novel urban heart in addition to soul together, in addition to depending on your schedules you lot tin fifty-fifty cash inward one's chips out for lunch/dinner or a drinkable alongside somebody cool.

Knowing this also makes travelling solo easier to embrace, every bit you lot know you lot volition never live lone if you lot don’t wishing to be.

Comfort Zones Are Meant to live Escaped

One of the master copy wonders of go is to experience something new, thus don’t live afraid to attempt something you lot powerfulness commonly live scared of or hesitant to do.

If you’ve never been on an overnight hike before, bring together one! If you lot haven’t gone bungy jumping, do it somewhere beautiful! Always wondered what it’d live similar to scuba dive, but haven’t had the chance to practise it at home? Go somewhere where the diving is inexpensive in addition to sign upwardly for a course!

The to a greater extent than you lot intermission exterior your comfort zone, the to a greater extent than you’ll uncovering novel activities that you lot love. For instance I never knew I liked hiking until I moved to Vancouver in addition to went out for a full-day walk alongside some people staying at my hostel. Now it’s i of my all-time favourite things to do.

Who knows what you’ll detect you lot dearest when you lot practise something you’d never commonly do.

Staring out at the Valley of the Moon inward Republic of Chile 11 Lessons Learnt From 11 Years Travelling The World
Do at to the lowest degree i thing every trip that scares you lot – you’ll experience to a greater extent than live at the destination of it!

Everybody Ends Up With At Least One Poop Story, So Embrace It!

This powerfulness seem an odd lesson to take away hold inward an otherwise inspirational post, but it’s true, in addition to nil to live embarrassed about. If you’re travelling a lot you’ll in all likelihood take away hold at to the lowest degree i encounter alongside dodgy nutrient that leads to a funny bowel story.

It could live something similar the fourth dimension you lot stopped the populace coach in addition to ran into a Chinese family’s describe of piece of work solid to beg to utilisation their lav (yep, genuinely happened to me), or when you lot accidentally used the woman individual lav instead of the men’s, in addition to stepped exterior to a body of body of water of disgusted faces.

The thing is these stories are exactly a business office of travelling, in addition to after a few drinks around a bar alongside friends they acquire tend to come upwardly out. Don’t live afraid to portion it, because existence able to build fun of yourself in addition to portion your most embarrassing moments is a peachy thing.

There Will Never Be a Right Time to Go

If you’re ever waiting for the correct fourth dimension to travel, you’ll never leave. The truth is there’s no correct or incorrect time. There’s exactly time, in addition to the to a greater extent than you lot wait, the less of it you lot volition have.

It’s far also slow to gear upwardly a appointment inward the hereafter alongside no genuine intention of coming together it. “When I take away hold $10’000 inward the bank, I’ll purchase that airplane ticket. When I retire, I’ll cash inward one's chips to Patagonia. When operate lays me off, I’ll trek to Everest Base Camp.”

The work alongside setting these sort of destination expectations is they’re ofttimes difficult to hit. Once you lot take away hold $10’000, you lot volition in all likelihood state yourself that you lot genuinely demand $15’000.

You don’t genuinely know if you’ll live tally plenty to go when the kids are grown upwardly (why practise you lot recollect thus many retirees stick to cruises?). And every bit for work, you lot may acquire a improve offering somewhere else, or you lot powerfulness destination upwardly staying inward the same utilisation forever.

This goes beyond travel, in addition to tin live applied to anything. If you lot wishing to larn to stone climb, sign upwardly for a gym or a course of written report today. If you lot wishing to acquire improve at photography, pick upwardly a camera, fifty-fifty if it’s the cheapest i you lot tin find.

I’m a big believer inward that if you’re well, take away hold plenty coin to hold out in addition to are inward a seat that next your dreams won’t pose anybody that depends on you lot inward a tough position, thus you lot shouldn’t build an excuse non to practise it every bit presently every bit possible.

Don’t hold off for the correct time, or you lot could live waiting for a lifetime.

Staring out at the Valley of the Moon inward Republic of Chile 11 Lessons Learnt From 11 Years Travelling The World
A photograph of us from when nosotros backpacked around Central America inward 2011. We spent 8 months travelling on a tight budget, trying to reckon every bit much every bit nosotros could earlier the funds ran dry. We didn’t take away hold a tending inward the globe – careers tin wait, in addition to you lot can’t convey coin to the grave. We were exactly doing what makes us happy, because that’s all that matters.

You Are Not Always inward Control, in addition to That’s Ok

Some people can’t handgrip non existence inward control, in addition to this stops them from enjoying sure as shooting elements of life.

It’s a normal personality trait, in addition to nil to live ashamed of, but if that sounds similar you lot it’s fourth dimension to convey that you lot can’t live inward command 100% of the time.

Another thing I’ve learnt over the in conclusion 11 years travelling is that no affair how much you lot similar having command of a situation, a lot of the times you lot exactly take away hold to sit down dorsum in addition to allow someone else live inward charge.

I’ve been inward far also many situations over the years where I quite literally take away hold no thought what is going on, but inward society to acquire through something I exactly demand to trust that someone else has a improve grasp of the moment.

And you lot know what? It’s allowed me to practise things I never would take away hold done otherwise.

It’s difficult thing to practise initially, but if you lot larn to mitt over the reigns to other people, you’ll arrive at a degree of experiences that far surpasses anything or anywhere you lot could acquire to on your own.

You’ll Never live the Same Person every bit You Were When You Left

The 2nd you lot go out home, you lot are experiencing a globe that you lot take away hold never seen before, fifty-fifty if it’s inside your ain country.

You encounter people alongside dissimilar beliefs to you. You attempt nutrient that you’ve never take away heed of before. You larn almost history from the other side’s indicate of view.

These things alter you lot inward foreign in addition to profound ways. When you lot come upwardly abode you lot powerfulness larn to non complain almost the pocket-size things (those ‘first globe problems).

You may take away hold a novel hobby or passion that introduces you lot to a whole novel grouping of friends (such every bit what snowboarding in addition to photography has done for me). Or you lot powerfulness experience similar you lot don’t belong anymore, which is nil to live ashamed about.

Growing upwardly doesn’t exactly hateful getting old. It agency having increment every bit a human being. Travel fast tracks this procedure in addition to leads you lot downwards a dissimilar path. Embrace it.

Staring out at the Valley of the Moon inward Republic of Chile 11 Lessons Learnt From 11 Years Travelling The World
Us a decade afterward – older, heavier in addition to alongside a few greyness hairs, but wiser, happier in addition to to a greater extent than opened upwardly to the globe than nosotros were when nosotros left home.

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