Beberapa waktu lalu, Ruangguru sempat mengulas mengenai aneka macam macam penggunaan infinitive dalam Bahasa Inggris. Nah, kini saatnya membahas macam-macam penggunaan gerund. Gerund yaitu bentuk Ving yang berfungsi sebagai noun.
Seperti apa sih penggunaan gerund? Simak ulasan berikut ya!
- Swimming is my hobby.
- My hobby is swimming.
- Shopping can be tiring too.
Catatan: Subjek/objek gerund adalah sebuah kegiatan, swimming = olahraga renang bukan sedang berenang.
- His job is working on the field = pekerjaan lapangan.
- Loving each other is the main idea of the novel = rasa saling menyayangi.
- He is good at speaking English.
- She leaves the shop without buying any goods.
- I’m interested in browsing Google Earth.
- be used to: terbiasa
- look forward to: menanti
- be accustomed to: terbiasa
- object to: keberatan
- to take to: senang
- confess to: mengakui
- I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
- I confessed to stealing the CDs.
- He objects to marrying his girlfriend soon.
Catatan khusus:
- used to + V1 (kebiasaan lampau)
- be used to + Ving
(kebiasaan dari dulu sampai sekarang)
- I used to practice dance every week.
- I am used to sleeping at 11.00 PM.
- I don’t mind her smoking here.
- I will finish my eating later.
- I resent her interfering in my business.
- Let’s go to the swimming pool.
- Grandpa lost his walking stick.
- Please smoke in the smoking room.
- He admitted cheating the test.
- She advises waiting until tomorrow.
- I anticipate having a good time on vacation.
Kata kerja lain yang diikuti Ving:
appreciate avoid complete
consider delay deny
discuss dislike enjoy
finish forget keep
mention mind miss
postpone practice quit
recall recollect recommend
regret remember resent
resist risk stop
suggest tolerate understand
excuse forgive fancy
imagine prevent continue
CATATAN: Beberapa verb yang dipakai di atas mempunyai arti yang berbeda dari biasanya.
Haruskah kita hafal verb di atas? TIDAK PERLU!
Yang perlu kita tahu, gerund dalam hal ini dipakai untuk menyambungkan dua verb yang dipakai sekaligus dalam satu predikat. Gerund digunakan jikalau dalam arti penggunaannya, verb pertama dikerjakan bersamaan dengan verb kedua.
I avoid meeting you.
Saya menghindari bertemu kamu.
Tidak berarti menghindar dahulu gres bertemu!
- It’s no use waiting for her.
- I can’t help falling in love with you.
- I can’t stand smelling the odor.
need, want, require, worth.
- Inception movie is worth watching.
- The job requires filling the registration form completely.
- The house needs painting.
Menyatakan aktivitas rekreasional.
go bowling go camping
go fishing go hiking
go hunting go jogging
go sailing go shopping
go swimming go skating
- Animals dislike being eaten by human.
- I give up being employed by that man.
Have fun/have a good time + Ving
- We had fun playing.
Have trouble/have difficulty + Ving
- I had trouble finding his house.
Spend/Waste + (expression time or money) + Ving
- Siti spends most of her time studying.
- I waste a lot of time watching.
Sit/Stand/Lie + (expression of place) + Ving
- She sat at her desk writing a letter.
- I stood there wondering what to do next.
- He is lying in bed reading a novel.
Semoga klarifikasi mengenai gerund kali ini membuatmu lebih mengerti ya. Selamat dan tetap semangat belajar, smart buddies! (TN)
Sumber: Buku "TOP MASTER TOEFL: Pursue Your Highest Grammar Score" (M.Ali Fikrie)
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