United States President Donald John Trump (center) and White House National Security Adviser John Bolton (right). Photos / REUTERS / Carlos Barria
In NBC's "Meet the Press" broadcast broadcast on Sunday (06/23/2019) in Washington, journalist Chuck Todd asked Trump whether he was pushed into military action against Iran by his advisers. The question refers to John Bolton's famous anti-Iranian National Security Adviser.
"I have two groups of people. I have a dove and I have an eagle, "said Trump." John Bolton is really an eagle. If it's up to him, he will take the whole world at one time, okay? "
Trump then dismissed concerns about Bolton's influence, a figure who had also served in the White House during the reigns of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
"It doesn't matter because I want both parties," Trump said.
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Trump said he would continue to maintain his efforts to maintain peace. He again spoke of his attitude against the invasion of Iraq in 2003. He also boasted of his decision to cancel the attack on Iran in response to the shooting of a US military drone or spy military drone last week. According to him, the attack on Iran would not be "proportional" and would cause 150 Iranians to be killed.
This is the second time in 24 hours Trump was forced to support Bolton, after saying on Saturday that the official "did a very good job". However, he added that he "strongly disagrees" with him about US policy in the Middle East.
Meanwhile, Bolton himself spent Sunday in Tel Aviv, Israel, warning Tehran not to misjudge US caution. He asked his listeners to remain vigilant about further developments in the conflict.
After his appointment last year, Bolton has used his position to advocate for regime changes in Iran and Venezuela, and is considered the architect of efforts to increase US support to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
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